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Kamis, 10 November 2011

Turny 13 November 2011

Jumat, 04 November 2011

Kendal Weekly Tournament

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2011

Update Ranking

Ini dia peta kekuatan duelist kendal berdasarkan pengalaman duel

Senin, 10 Oktober 2011


duelist kendal uda smakin banyak yg terdaftar dalam ranking, tambah terus!!!!

Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011

Chains, Activation, and Resolution

untuk nambah pengetahuan tentang duel n bahasa inggris(klo males, translate aja pke google terjemahan), silahkan simak bacaan berikut:

A Chain is what happens when several card effects are trying to happen at the same time. By building a chain, you can more easily determine how the effects resolve.
Activation is when you declare an intent to use a card: flipping a Trap Card face-up, announcing that you are using a monster's effect, flipping a face-down Spell Card, and playing a Spell Card from your hand are all examples of activation.
Resolution is when you carry out the effects of a card.
When you chain multiple Spell/Trap Cards together, their activation (intent to use the card) is declared, one after the other. But no cards have resolution until nobody wishes to chain (activate) more Spell/Trap Cards.
A simple 2-card chain works like this:
(neither player wishes to chain additional cards) (resolve in reverse order)
  • Step 2 Resolves.
  • Step 1 Resolves.
In a 3-card chain:
  • Step 1 is activated.
  • Step 2 is activated.
  • Step 3 is activated.
(neither player wishes to chain additional cards) (resolve in reverse order)
  • Step 3 resolves.
  • Step 2 resolves.
  • Step 1 resolves.
Note on terminology: Some Continuous Trap Cards have effects that can be re-used, such as "Ultimate Offering", "Skull Lair", etc. To "activate" these Trap Cards is to flip the Trap Card from face-down to face-up, just like with any other Trap Card. Once the card is activated, you may "use" the card, or "use its effect", or "activate the effect." These are all synonymous terms but are different from activation of the card (which still means flipping the Trap Card face-up). The "use" of a Continuous Trap Card's effect (which has a Spell Speed of 2) can be chained and can be chained to. You CAN activate (flip face-up) a Continuous Trap Card and also use its effect in the same chain.[1]
IMPORTANT: When resolving a chain, as the cards resolve they are NOT sent to the Graveyard until the entire chain has resolved, or a card specifically destroys them. This is important for cards such as "Princess of Tsurugi" and "Secret Barrel" where the effect depends on the number of Spell & Trap Cards on the field.
Because "Barrel Behind the Door" remains on the field until the chain resolves, Player A takes 500 points ofdamage (1 Trap Card on the opponent's side of the field) from "Princess of Tsurugi's" Flip Effect.
"Seven Tools of the Bandit" resolves first, and destroys "Barrel Behind the Door", which is sent to the Graveyardimmediately. "Princess of Tsurugi" does zero damage to Player B because Player B has no Spell or Trap Cardsremaining on the field since "Barrel Behind the Door" was destroyed and sent to the Graveyard.
Even though "Ring of Destruction" resolves first, "Secret Barrel" still does 200 damage to Player B because "Ring of Destruction" is on the field when "Secret Barrel" resolves.

See Also

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Berita Pertama

wel wel wel,
Mulai September atau sehabis Hari Raya idul fitri kita bakal
 pakek yg namanya "Sistem Leveling"

yoi jadinya, setiap turney entarnya kita bkal dpet yg namanya "EXP" atau klo dalam bahasa troll nya "Point"
dan setiap Duelist di Kendal siapapun itu bkal kehitung Pointya dan bkal ada Rangking siapa yg Pointnya paling bnyak,

kesimpulanya, kita bakal tau siapa anak di kendal yg paling jago dan menangan,
tapi nyante wae, g brarti kita kudu ikut turney trus2an, namanya juga manusia punya urusan mereka masing2,

dan tapinya juga blum tentu misal riski duel 100 kali blum tentu juga kualitas duelnya lebih tinggi dari ibadur yg duel g lebih dri 20 kali, tpi kita akan lihat seberapa kuat duelist itu dari presentase kemengangan .

tujuan dari ini adalah,, yaah,
yg pertama kita cuman iseng aja gra2 bnyak waktu luang tebuang gtu aja, jadi kepikiran dripada duel g ada hasil sampinganya, jadi buat sistem leveling ini.
yg kedua diharapkan kendal
ttep kompak,
tetep kuat,
ttep ngetroll khususnya buat semarang (yo tpi ojo keterlaluan)
ttep setia sama tim2 andalanya di WINING/PES
ttep g ada permusuhan
g ada maling lagi
g ada yg dimsukin ke hati klo ada yg ngetroll krna itu cuma buat bahan kita biar ttep akrab, khukhu

dan yang trahir.....rak ono seng jenenge terahir kanggo Duelist kendal, nganti tuo due anak cucu cicit, wes dadi pocong neng alam kubur pun, we for all together .

dan info yg paling penting, mumpung liburan nih, klo ada yg mau PS an , gratis utk semua sudah dibuka kembali, di rumah Adi franct bachdim di weleri, bagi yg mau buka bersma, dan duel2 dteng aja langsung ketempat .

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011


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